Your Leadership Link by Cullen S. Gibson, Vice President
Eduardo, an immigrant carpenter, works long hours for a large real estate company. One day, his company’s CEO, Mike, appears on the TV show Undercover Boss. Disguised as a new employee, Mike joins Eduardo on the construction site, feeling the oppressive heat, carrying lumber, and working with heavy tools. For that one day, Mike experiences the backbreaking work Eduardo does day in and day out to provide for his wife and three children. Eduardo shares his dreams and frustrations, unaware of Mike’s true identity. Touched by Eduardo’s dedication, Mike eventually reveals who he is, acknowledges Eduardo’s dignity and hard work, and offers him a promotion.
In the midst of life’s conflicts and tensions, there are countless opportunities for leaders to reflect servant leadership. Sometimes, service is messy, and we have to step out of our comfort zone, as acts of service allow leaders to earn the right to speak into others’ lives and influence them. Great leaders live out selfless service not only at work, but in their homes, workplaces, and communities. Great leaders create community by empowering their stakeholders to serve and then trusting them to do exactly that! Effective leaders realize they are good stewards of the energy and efforts of those they lead; they honor the power of diversity and acknowledge the power of teamwork.
As the saying goes, “None of us is as smart as all of us.” We are all in servant roles and hopefully, have turned the organizational pyramid “upside down.” This is the essence of great leadership!
Have a great week everyone!