Your Leadership Link by Cullen S. Gibson, Vice President
But Believe
Abraham Lincoln, our great country’s 16th President, remained skeptical about religion well into his forties. President Lincoln and his wife suffered personally when they lost their 11-year-old son “Willie” to illness. In the midst of their grief, Mrs. Lincoln turned to new age mediums and President Lincoln turned to a Pastor with whom he had several long talks. These talks led Lincoln to an overwhelming conviction and his own conversion to Christ. He simply believed that he had no other place to go.
At the same time, the United States was under national suffering with the ongoing Civil War. The reality of the horrors of the dead and wounded soldiers assaulted Lincoln daily. In fact, 50 hospitals were set up for the wounded in Washington and the Capitol rotunda held 2000 cots for wounded soldiers. 50 soldiers died per day. In Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural address, he stated, “We can’t but believe, that He who made the world still governs it.” In this address, Lincoln did not make God a simple supporter for the Union or the Confederacy causes. Instead, Lincoln said, “God has his own purposes and does not excuse sin on either side.”
I can’t imagine the pain and suffering our country was experiencing during the Lincoln presidency. Lincoln stood out as a humble and compassionate leader who at the end of himself, turned to his Creator.
Have a great week!