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Leadership Blog

Apr 18, 2022

Your Leadership Link by Cullen S. Gibson


Courageous Vision 

King Solomon wrote a proverb which states, “where there is no vision, the people perish.” Interestingly, Proverbs 29:18 is not talking about normal vision casting. Rather, vision here refers to a special revelation. 

Vision requires courage. As a leader, you certainly want people to hear what you have to say, and you certainly want to share your vision with them. Vision talk can include discussions about the future, opinions, and solutions. Vision gives you and your team something to strive for and work towards. It brings people together. It creates harmony. It pushes out the naysayers and brings in those wanting to make something happen. 

“Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” Courage creates perspective to size up the situation and pushes people to self-discipline to get the job done. Capable leaders work hard to keep the vision alive, and they make relationship investments that bring great returns throughout the day. One of the biggest courage builders in the workplace is humor. It is the “shock absorber” of life. 

Indeed, people need and want to hear from you as a visionary leader. You cast vision statements daily. If they do not hear from you about their future and your plans to get them there, who are they listening to?